
Hearing the sound of my cellphone turning off, i woke up.
Then i can't turn on my cellphone, yes, i just use it for two months.
It's great BenQ-SIEMENS.
i took off the OFFICIAL battery for another NOT OFFICIAL battery, it worked again.
BenQ-SIEMENS, WORK HARDER, GOGOGO, though it has become history.
Then i walked to bathroom, washing my hand, finding the pipe of sink is plugged.
After finishing lunch, before going out, i did GREAT Laundry.
Maybe about 1 hour later, i saw increible situation.
The kitchen flooded.
YES, flood.
Even the neighbor living in under floor came to ring the bell, concerning about the situation.
Why she concerned the flood in our flat?
The water dropped in her flat.
We cleaned everything and left a sign "the machine doesn't work, just flooded here" before going out.
But when we backed home, i saw my clothes has been taken out of GREAT Laundry,
some water traces left in the floor of the kitchen.
It's my roommate who is mix from Japan and English did GREAT Laundry again.
Doesn't she see the sign?
Doesn't she trust what i write?
Why doesn't clean the water from GREAT Laundry?
i really confused it.



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