
(Finally, I was the third one to present.)
before presentation (crit),
i felt unsure about everything.
i felt stress/pressure/depressed
when seeing my classmates pick up phone to contact someone (seems like do something great).
when seeing many classmates do big objects.
when every MA students are in the platform what they want, i am sacrificed.
when many foreigners are familiar with each in a short time.

after presentation (crit)
i was received the first clapping in the crit.
on that night, going to art bar
"i like your project"
"your project is fucking good" "just fucking good"
"i like the plot of your slides"
"your project is great"

the tutors of the platform that i hope i can in came to talk to me,
"We think you can switch to our platform"
Is it coincidence or not?
who knows?

That's reality.
Because i am just PEP* student, not MA.
sometimes i need to fight/prove something.
though the officials say"we will treat you as a MA student"
i think they miss one sentence,"except the important moment"
in choosing platform, i was sacrificed.

It's just beginning, i know i have long way to go.
Special thank to Alice, Ray, Noam.
You help me a lot in the project.

*PEP: Post Experience Program
ps. Ron Arad is in the picture.

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