目前分類:express (69)

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sushi is from Japanese word.
chao  is from Chinese  word.
But they are writed and ponounced in English.
Is it strange?

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"Life is a joke. The only way to survive it is to find the right punchline" by Becky Alunan.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

i don't think here design is totally different with Taiwan.
But here does have something a little different.
At least, the feeling of doing design is a little different.
Every feeling is intense.
intense excited.
intense frustrated.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

can i no design?
i don't know.
a little tired.
a little excited.
a little tired.
a little excited.

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sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 07 Sun 2007 03:22
  • after

After silence, i would ...
hello~ UK.
Here i am.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Oct 07 Sun 2007 03:20
  • do i ?

first time i hear culture shock when preparing Toefl test.
first time i am attacked by culture shock when now?

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It's an idea that i thought a long time ago.

Everyone wanna get IF award,

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i can't deny design is business/service, whatever it is, it's related to $.
i can't deny making a lot of money by design that it's evil.
But when a designer becomes a "great" designer,
does it mean one is going to turn into a great businessman?
It's great to earn large money by creating great objects.

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Different generations have different thinking about the same thing.
Is it generation gap?
It's unfair to say it's the generation gap.
Even the same generation has different thinking about one thing.
The vision is different, it may cause gap between two subjects.

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When i post "traditional believe" on blog, a thinking flash in my mind.
If just if, we don't traditional believe something, where are we going?
We might have no culture, religion personality.
So we maybe should traditional believe, though sometimes it's strange.

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  • Oct 02 Tue 2007 07:24
  • blog

i am not sure should i keep the same tone of my blog, because my parents and professors will view the blog.
It's likely too true to show my thinking out, and too much dirty word.
Is it true me?
i am not sure certainly.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 02 Tue 2007 07:22
  • 名字

Today i talk about name that many people, especially foreigners, feel strange.
Taiwanese usually name themselves.
John, Peter, Denny, Michael, Alice, Alex, Oleeve, Eric, Mark, Mary, Grony etc.
What do ones think about the phenomenon/act?
Ones don't like our name that parents give?

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

The more difficulty one meets, the more one gets.
i haven't remembered where i catch it.
When one doesn't rely on others, perhaps one would face more frustration or difficulty, one learns more?
Life is a choice.
One chooses one way, loses another way.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 02 Tue 2007 06:23
  • words.

i don't know why i write so many blogs in two days.
Many ones tell me how the life there. ask me to share everything fresh here.
So i start to write the life here, but to write more my thought than the life here.
Maybe it's what i really wanna do but don't do.

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

i haven't felt the atmosphere that people super emphasize "design" here.
Even many people don't know what's RCA or Royal College of Art when we were looking for flat.
DESIGN (one knows me knows i sometimes/often/always hate the word "design")
design exists in life, though thousands of people have said this.

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  • Oct 02 Tue 2007 06:21
  • 921

for 921

sushichao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We are just passengers in each other's life.
It's a little negative, but it's true, to say that one always care about oneself first.
i recognize i am selfish too.

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"DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY" is a Japanese song sung by Mongol 800.
i don't understand Japanese though,
"don't worry be happy it's my life" is the beginning of the song,
i strongly feel the spirit of the song.

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i behave childish, i am immature.
i am immature, i behave childish.
Maybe YES.
What's immature? What's mature?
i do everything by myself.

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